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Document number: 07882
Date: Wed 18 May 1859
Postmark: 18 May 1859
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection 2: Private
Collection 2 number: FT-1411 (envelope only)
Last updated: 12th December 2010

Randolph Crescent
Wednesday May 18th

My dear Henry

I have concluded in your name the negociation for the house I mentioned to you - 17 Coates Crescent. - We have taken it from the 28th May to 28th June - for £35. - We propose to begin moving our things on the 28th and complete the flitting on Monday 30th - I think this house will hold us very comfortably - The dining room & Library are good - and the entrance & staircase very "comme il faut" looking. - & spacious - The furniture has been taken up for cleaning the house - but what we could see of it is good & clean - and there are plenty of wardrobes & commodes - One drawing room is now a large bedroom - the other drawing room (which is to the front of the house) is a good sized room & well furnished. - The lower part of the house is about as commodious as Mrs Swinton's - Altogether it is an airy house & clean. -

Mr Gilchrist Clark started this morning at six o'clock for Dumfries - Yesterday Matilda & I went with him to a watch makers - a man whom he assured me was perfectly trustworthy - and I chose a very pretty Geneva watch - for my dear Child - with which she was delighted - I don't know whether you will have thought me rather hasty in making her this present before hearing from you - but I forgot exactly what day I wrote to you about it - and I fancied I should have heard if you had had any such intentions yourself. - Besides I wished to know before Mr Clark left us whether a pretty watch could be had at Edinburgh, - otherwise I should have given him a commission to chase one in London - So you see I could not wait a day longer.

I succeeded yesterday in getting Rosamond out for a drive in an open carriage - and I think she enjoyed it very much, altho' she had expressed great reluctance to move - She feels habitually since the last attack of Influenza cold, so very languid - she has been obliged to give up walking in our pleasant garden, on account of the long flight of steps wh she had to ascend on coming in - and which tired her sadly - We have had splendid weather - but today being rather gloomy we think she is best at home, resting herself.-

I do not recollect anything particular to say more today. - Only that I am anxious to hear from you, & that you approve all I have done.

Your affectionate

[envelope in a private collection]
H.F. Talbot Esqre.
Lacock Abbey