R. Botanic Garden
5 August 1859
Dear Sir
I sent to you lately some dried specimens of Ferns. <1> I hope that they reached you safely.
I shall be glad to hear the result of your photoglyph of the Dracæna Draco<2> & Assafœtida. <3> I am aware I have the plates for the Transactions <4> of the Botanical Society which are now in the Printers hands – The plates will be a most valuable & interesting addition to the Transactions. I trust that you received the Prof Smyth’s <5> additional photograph <6> which was proposed to be substituted for that already sent. As the Transactions of the Society should be fully printed by October, I shall esteem a favour if you can let me know about the plates soon.
With many thanks for your kindness I am Yours respectfully
J. H. Balfour
Mr Henry Fox Talbot
near Chippenham
Rothey Bank
1. See Doc. No: 07930. The two letters seem to have crossed in the post.
2. Photoglyphic Engraving. One was published as a "Photoglyphic Engraving of a Fern" in the Transactions of the Botanical Society (Edinburgh), v. 7, June 1863, pl. 14, p. 559.
3. See Doc. No: 07915 and Doc. No: 07930.
4. See Doc. No: 07828.
5. Prof Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819–1900), photographer & Astronomer Royal for Scotland.
6. See Doc. No: 07915.