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Document number: 07996
Date: 12 Nov 1854
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 18th February 2012

Ashmolean Museum. <1> Oxford
November 12. 1854.

Dear Sir,

I can in all probability meet you in London, or shall at all times be delighted to see you here, whenever you may wish it. Should you not think it a trouble to stop at Oxford on your road to Town, I can give you a batchelor’s bed & reception, and need not add how glad I should be to see you. But if you prefer it, I can give you a Meeting at the Athenæum, <2>whenever you may wish it, or nearly so. At any rate, if you will give me the choice of two or three days I can make my own engagements arrange themselves to meet your wish.

Believe me, always, Your’s very faithfully
Nevil Story Maskelyne


1. Story-Maskelyne lectured on mineralogy and chemistry at the University of Oxford, and had a laboratory in the lower part of the museum building.

2. Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London: WHFT’s club; a gentleman’s club composed primarily of artists and scientists