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Document number: 08065
Date: 24 Mar 1860
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: GILCHRIST-CLARK Matilda Caroline, née Talbot
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: Acc 21535 (envelope)
Last updated: 14th November 2012

March 24th 1860. –

My dear Papa,

I think that I was rash enough to prophesy spring weather, in my last letter, and today we have snow again! – The ground was quite white and thickly covered with it this morning, but now it is all melted, so you may think what a state the streets are in. Yesterday it rained – so I think the weather is cracked, and does not know what it is about. Mr & Mrs Maxwell started this morning to go back to Dabton, which I do not expect will be looking very cheerful; but they have been more than a month in Edinburgh, and do not generally stay away from home so long. We had a very pleasant walk in Comely Bank Nursery garden the other day, and got some nice things. 2 Ceanothus which you advised, and one or two other things with hard names – Also Daphne hybrida – which I do not think you have at Lacock, it is very sweet, and hardy against a wall. I suppose you will have received a list of plants from them before now. It was to be sent at once. You will be glad to hear that I have now got quite rid of my cold, and accomplished two dinner parties without being at all the worse for them. Today I also came down to breakfast, for the 1st time since we have been in this house. Mama will like to hear that Mrs Primrose has asked us to dinner on Tuesday. We thought it would be a pity not to go, as they are so pleasant, and I suppose it will be a very small party, otherwise we should have declined, as it is the same night as the Club Ball, which we are going to, and two things at once is a good deal to undertake. – Johnnie has gone up to drill today, but he thinks he is getting quite accomplished, so does not now go every day. I am curious to see the uniform – It is not quite finished, and I believe will be exceedingly ugly; the colour is that of cinders, or sandy grey, with red braid – it is quite correct, according to the government pattern. The object is to be as invisible as possible, but they do not seem certain whether it will have that effect. I suppose we shall have great gatherings and practisings in the summer, when I intend to go and see. Charles wrote to me in such an enthusiastic manner, about Mr Ross’s triumphs at Hythe, and his son’s practisings at Whorlton, that I think he half regrets not having undertaken anything yet himself!. Please give my love to all. I hope all colds are now well –

from yr affectionate daughter

H. F. Talbot Esqre Lacock Abbey