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Document number: 08761
Date: 30 Nov 1863
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: EDGCUMBE Caroline Augusta, née Feilding
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA63-92
Last updated: 20th December 2010

Novr 30th 1863

My dear Henry

I have never yet thanked you for the little Photographic engraving <1> You sent me while I was at Thanckes. It is very soft & pretty – but is it not the same sort of thing you did 3 or 4 years ago, & that you got the medal for at the Exhibition <2> last year? Will you explain this – because I am anxious you would now try your hand at something on a larger scale, to make you a name for photographic engraving – among the Public in general – what the Germans call ein respectable Publicum <3> I lent your Assyrian inscription to our clergyman at Cotehele, <4> who was much interested in them. I heard to-day from Katie; <5> She does not mention her health, but writes in very good spirits, & says she has taken several charming rides – & that in exploring the country they come upon such beautiful bits of scenery. I am just reading a book called “ Letters from Cannes <6>” – It is a very simple unpretending account – but the descriptions bring back all that country so forcibly to my recollection – amongst other places she mentions Grasse, which I am sure Amandier <7> remembers, & the fields of roses, violets, jonquils &c for perfumes. It is by Miss Brewster, who must be a daughter of Sir David’s <8> I guess: & was written in 1857 – before so many odious railroads were finished. Katie’s little Girl Alberthe, <9> the second, is a match for your little Grandson. <10> She begged her Mother the other day to give them what she called some “moking pipes” – She said : “big boys have ‘em, so me fink big girls ought to have ‘em too.” She said “big girl” being aged 2 years & 8 months. The weather at Cannes is glorious. – I heard also today from Louisa Gallwey, <11> She also has been abroad for 6 weeks with her brother Philip & his wife – They lost 2 little children in the Scarlet fever this year, & were in great need of change of scene.

Louisa said she should not have recognized Nice – Instead of being a nice small place, as we also knew it, it is now an overgrown town.

She was quite delighted with Venice – they had glorious summer weather (now, quite lately,) and used to sit out on the Piazza San Marco till nine at night.

Goodbye; love to all & please thank Amandier for her last letter, I am so glad she is better –

Yr affte Sister

There are many conflicting interests in the Castle just now with regard to the Schleswigs & Holstein question <12> & Denmark – Of course the Pss of Wales is one way, & the Crown Prince of Prussia <13> the other – & the Pss Hohenlohe’s daughter <14> is married to Prince or Duke of Augustenbourg making des complications graves.


1. Photographic engraving had been WHFT's name for his first major photogravure process of 1852. In 1858, he called his second one photoglyphic engraving. Here, his sister uses it as a generic term for his latest advances.

2. 1862 Great London Exposition/International Exhibition, London, England.

3. One/a respectable public.

4. Cotehele, Cornwall: ancient house, seat of the Earl of Mt Edgcumbe, now a National Trust Property.

5. Lady Katherine Elizabeth Edgcumbe, née Hamilton (1840–1874), wife of William Henry Edgcumbe.

6. Margaret Maria Brewster Gordon, Letters from Cannes and Nice (Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1857). Although Caroline Edgcumbe states that this is by a Miss Brewster, Gordon would have been her married name. Incidently, there exists a Hill and Adamson calotype of Margaret Maria Brewster Gordon, taken ca.1845.

7. Amélina Petit De Billier, ‘Mamie’, ‘Amandier’ (1798–1876), governess and later close friend of the Talbot family [See Amélina's journal].

8. Sir David Brewster (1781–1868), Scottish scientist & journalist.

9. Alberta Louisa Florence Edgcumbe (1861–1941).

10. John Henry Gilchrist-Clark, ‘Jack’ (1861–1902), WHFT’s grandson.

11. Louisa Gallwey (1811-1872), dau of Lt Gen Sir William Payne Gallwey, 1st Bart (1759-1831) and Lady Harriet Payne Gallwey (1784-1845), née Quin.

12. She refers to the conflict between Denmark and Prussia over Schleswig-Holstein, northwestern Germany.

13. Frederick Charles, Prince Of Prussia (1828–1885).

14. Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg Adelheid (1835–1900) was married to Friedrich Christian August Schleswig Holstein (1829–1880).