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Document number: 09380
Date: 13 Jun 1868
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: GROVE William Robert
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: envelope 22035
Last updated: 19th October 2010


115 Harley St. W.
June 13 1868

Dear Talbot

You will early in next week receive a letter from the Officers of the British Association <1> requesting you to let yourself be named as President for 1869 –

They were instructed so to write at a large meeting of the Council held to day at which a cordial unanimity prevailed on the Subject – I write to urge you most earnestly not to say no to this request. From what fell from you in a short conversation we once had at the Athenæum <2> I know your inclination will tend that way – But I venture to put it to you as a positive duty not to refuse – There is no one (you know I don’t flatter) who unites all the requisites for that office in that year as you do.

Your objection to Public speaking is of no weight as your the discourse is written & printed beforehand, while your European reputation, your scientific, literary & classical attainments & your position in the West of England afford unite such preeminent qualifications that your appointment will go far towards assuring the success of the meeting. I write mainly in the interest of science but you know how much pleasure it will give me personally to see you & hear you from that Chair Dont say no & disappoint us all.

Ever Yours
W R Grove

Recollect what an opportunity it affords for [illegible deletion] promulgating important views on science education &c

H. Fox Talbot Eq FRS &c
Laycock Abbey
[added in WHFT's hand:] Grove


1. British Association for the Advancement of Science.

2. The Athenaeum Club, London: WHFT's club.