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Document number: 09386
Date: 01 Jul 1868
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: GALTON Francis
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: envelope 22038
Last updated: 19th October 2010

42. Rutland Gate London SW.
July 1. 1868

Dear Sir,

I fear that a letter written to you a fortnight since by Professor Hirst, Joint secretary with myself to the British Association, may not have reached you. He is now abroad & I therefore take his place in communicating again to you the unanimous desire of the General Officers of the Association and that of the Council generally that you will allow them to nominate you at the meeting of the Association to be held next August in Norwich, as President for the Entering year, namely for 1869. In all probability that meeting of 1869 will be held at Exeter.

I sincerely trust this offer will meet with your acceptance, for a meeting of the Association under your presidentship would give especial gratification to a very large body of men who admire & recognise your Eminent achievements in science.

Faithfully your’s
Francis Galton

Excuse me, if I press for an early answer.

To be forwarded, if from home.
William Henry Fox Talbot
&c &c
Lacock Abbey
near Chippenham