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Document number: 106
Date: Tue May 1850
Dating: May 1850? see Doc no 06322
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: GILCHRIST-CLARK Matilda Caroline, née Talbot
Author 2: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy Doc. No.:108
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 12th June 2015

Queen’s Hotel Birmingham
Tuesday evening.

My dear Papa,

You will see by this that we reached Birmingham quite safe and without meeting with any adventures on the road. Our journey today was rather tiresome we enjoyed a fine uninterrupted propect [sic] of mist and fog, which made the country look melancholy and the shades of evening come long before they were expected. We have very snug rooms, all quite close together, and very warm, and have just enjoyed an excellent, tea, if the repast may be so called in which that article played a most discreditable part. You remember, I dare say that this place is famous for the badness of its tea. We had the good thought to fall back upon coffee, which was infinitely better. Remember to ask for teacake when you come, as they have a talent for making it good. Mamie and Rosamond <1> are playing a most animated game of beggar my neighbour! Mamie says it is an excellent game for an Inn!!! What do you think the waiter would say to that?

I have been waiting till we could get the evening paper, (which is just come in,) thinking that we should certainly have some news from India – but there is nothing – It is not over due? Surely there has been a longer interval than usual this time. I am afraid there is nothing more to tell you, so good bye dear Papa,

your affec. daughter


1. Amélina Petit De Billier, ‘Mamie’, ‘Amandier’ (1798–1876), governess and later close friend of the Talbot family and Rosamond Constance ‘Monie’ Talbot (1837–1906), artist & WHFT’s 2nd daughter.