Messrs Thomas & Richard Willats.
98 Cheapside
Sir Messrs
We have received instructions from W. H. F. Talbot [inserted above in another hand:] William Henry Fox Talbot [end of insertion] Esq. to inform you that he understands you are infringing his patent rights by the Sale of his patented iodized paper and likewise in other ways. We are willing to believe that this proceeding on your part can only arise from your being unacquainted with the terms of the Specification of Mr T’s patent & that you cannot be aware that the iodized paper is expressly described Therein as a novel invention, and forms an integral part of the process there Specified and in respect of which the patent was granted.
Such an infringement of the patent cannot be allowed, & accordingly we hereby require you to discontinue the sale of the said iodized paper – If you wish to sell it in future, this can only be done by your procuring a license from the patentee, who we believe would be ready to meet you in a friendly spirit, altho’ he is resolved if it be necessary to uphold his patent rights in all their integrity, & therefore if you continue the sale after this notice we shall be obliged to take legal proceedings in Chancery against you which may involve you in considerable expense & which we are desirous of avoiding as long as possible
We are
&c & c
[signed in another hand:] [illeg Bolton
W. R. K. & Son
Solicitors to the patentee
P. S. We should be glad to be informed of the name of your Solicitor.