New York
July 12 1847
Dear Sir
I addressed you a letter <1> by the steamer Sarah Sands, and should have sent a duplicate, as I fear by your silence that it has not reached you.
I informed you in that letter that Mr Haight <2> had been detained in Rome much longer than he had anticipated, and was obliged to hurry through England without stopping more than a day in London. I regretted this very much as I had fully expected he would have had time to converse with you and arrange definitely for me my purchase of your patents.
I learned a few days since on inquiry at the Patent Office that your claim had been allowed and that they were only waiting the arrival of specimens to issue the letters patent. Said letter patent will probably go out in the same steamer with this.
My object in addressing you my last letter, and in this also, is to request that you will make me a definite offer for the sale of your entire patent right here. And in making this offer, I trust, dear sir, that you will consider that it is entirely to my suggestion that you are indebted for your American Patent, and that throughout my whole intercourse with you in the matter I have acted in good faith and with an eye as much to your interests as my own.
Should you prefer not to sell you patent, please write me on what terms you will wish me to act as your agent for the sale of licenses, Talbotype views &c.
Wishing you all health & prosperity
I Remain, dear sir With much respect Your Obt Servt
E. Anthony
W. H. Fox Talbot Esq.
P. S. Your assistant Mr Henneman <3> ordered a lot of picture frames &c from my agent at Paris, which were shipped to him (care of E. Gambart, Junin & Co <4> of London). I have received no advice from any quarter with regard to the payment of the bill, although I have written to Mr H. upon the subject some time since. If you will look into the matter and see that the bill is paid, you will confer upon me.Respy
E. A.
1. See Doc. No: 05940.
2. Richard Kip Haight (1798-1862), American merchant, poet & traveller.
3. Nicolaas Henneman (1813–1898), Dutch, active in England; WHFT’s valet, then assistant; photographer.
4. An influential publisher and printseller located at 25 Berners Street.