14 Fitzroy Sqr <1>
15 Feb.
Dear Sir
The note I referred to <2> as obviating the necessity of an answer to yours of Saturday, was the one in which I stated that I should call on my solicitor and give him his instructions in the matter. <3> I meant thereby to imply that I believed we so far understand each other that I acquiesced in your opinion that there was no necessity of any interview previous to the conference of our solicitors
There will be no necessity for Mr Carpmael’s <4> drawing up the copy of the specifications at present, because if by any contingency, the patent should not be granted, it would be an useless expense. Of course, if granted, we shall need one.
I Remain Dear Sir Respy your Obt Servt
E. Anthony
H. F. Talbot Esq
1. London.
2. See Doc. No: 05882.
3. Of taking out an American patent for the calotype process.
4. William Carpmael (1804–1867), patent agent & engineer, London.