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Document number: 5856
Date: 21 Jan 1847
Recipient: AWDRY Henry Goddard
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 21st February 2012

[WHFT's draft copy]

H G Awdry

21 Jan 47

I am sorry to be obliged to repeat what I thought suffy stated in a former letter

In ye [illegible] I deny yt Mr Little <1> was my agent. Mr Little himself denies that he acted it equally – & says that he never recd any authority from me in this matter says he is ready to make affidavit that he was not my agent and that he never had (or pretended to have) any authority from me in the matter. And that And that he never gave any consent in my name to any particular position of the bridges, nor was he ever applied to by the agents of [a?] company for that purpose.

I have Mr Ward’s <2> letters, fully admitting his Error, & that he considers the position of the bridges an open question at present +

Under the circes If you are of a difft I cannot doubt; yt ye decisn of a Court of Law or [illegible] to [their?] point wd be at once in my favour namely as to its being a perfectly open question at present.

With respect to the price of the land on Wick farm <3> I presume that our only mutual object is to know ascertain & [illegible] adhere to the true meaning & effect of the award – I adhere to my former opinion – but I am quite ready if it meets your approbation to submit the decision of the question to the arbitration of a disinterested individual, & I would name Chas Baily Esq <4> of [Stratford?] place as a mutual gentleman well known to us & in whom both parties have confidence. It is quite unnecessary I am sure for me to say that I have never had any conversatn with him on the subject. –


difft opinion would you have the goodness to favor me with your reason.



1. Robert D Little, land surveyor, Chippenham.

2. Richard James Ward, of Bath.

3. Wick Farm, Lacock, Wiltshire

4. Charles Bailey (1815–1878), architect & archaeologist

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