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Result number 49 of 386:   < Back     Back to results list   Next >  

Document number: 4012
Date: 01 Feb 1840
Postscript: 2 Feb
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: AWDRY West
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Chippenham <1>

1 Feby 1840.

Dear Sir,

I had intended calling at Lacock Abbey this morning expecting that you had returned from Town – Haddy has agreed to supply Horses on the same terms as his Brother <2> did for Mr Phipps <3> – viz £100 including the Coachman & his Wages but exclusive of Provender for the Horses – I hope to be in Bath on Monday when I will see that Haddy is getting things in readiness – I have supplied him with the Crest for the Harness – I suppose you will give the Coachman a suit of Livery, and I believe it is usual to have two Footmen in waiting at the Assizes – As you requested me to give you any information which might occur to me I have taken the liberty of mentioning these things, tho’ you have probably thought of them already – In case you should not intend to return to Lacock Abbey in the course of a few days I will thank you for a line in order that I may send up the necessary papers to be signed on your appointment – and it would perhaps be desirable to inform Mesrs Hillier & Co in order that the appointment may be forwarded to you direct instead of to the Abbey.

I remain Dear Sir
Your obliged & obed Servt

West Awdry.

Feby 2d

The enclosed was written yesterday. There is no fixed day for your entering on your office, it takes place immediately upon your being sworn & receiving from the late Sheriff a transfer of Prisoners & Parcels not wholly executed – for this purpose I must have a Power of Attorney to act for you – which I hope to be able to send you tomorrow night, together with the Security to be given by myself & Sureties. I enclose an impression of your Seal. There is an error in the Motto – you will observe “acomplir” spelt with an “z” – It is the Engraver’s mistake – shall I get it rectified? I will make the Enquires you Mention tomorrow.

H. F. Talbot Esq
31 Sackville Street


1. Chippenham, Wiltshire: largest town near Lacock, 3 miles N.

2. William Haddy, horse provider, Bath, and John Haddy, horse provider, Bath.

3. Probably Charles Lewis Phipps (1782–1862), JP.

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