Lacock Abbey, Chippenham
May 10. 1839
Dear Babbage
Thinking you would like to have some of my photogenic drawings I have sent a packet of them directed to you to No 31 Sackville St.<1> Please to send for them - Among them is one view of the tower of Lacock Abbey self-executed with the Camera Obscura,<2> which branch of the art I understand several persons have found very difficult, though it really is not.
Believe me to remain Yours very truly
H. Fox Talbot
C. Babbage Esq
1 Dorset St
Manchester Square
1. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.
2. This image [ Schaaf 3783], 'Lacock Abbey self-represented in the Camera Obscura', signed on verso 'H.F. Talbot photogr. May 1839', was preserved in a Charles Babbage scrapbook and sold by a descendent at Sotheby's auction 1 July 1977, lot 93; it is now in the Getty Museum (84.XM.260.5). Neither of the other two prints are inscribed. One is in the National Media Museum Bradford, 1937-1503 and the other is reproduced in Larry J. Schaaf, Sun Pictures III: The Harold White Collection (New York: Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., 1987) p. 27.