Dear Talbot,
Many thanks for the loan of those beautiful photographs. <1> They were much admired last Saturday Evg and I intend to retain them untill after next Saturday the 9 unless you wish them otherwise disposed of. – I will then return them to Sackville St. <2> In the meantime I gave Lady Byron <3> a treat to whom I lent them for a few hours.
I hope whenever you come to town and find I have an assembly of my friends on Saturday evening you will always consider yourself as invited and most wellcome [sic].
Ever truly Yours
C Babbage
Dorset H
Manch Sq
26 Feb 1844
1. See Doc. No: 04945.
2. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.
3. Anne Isabella (Annabella) Milbanke, Lady Byron (1792–1860).