Royal Botanic Garden
14 Mar 1859
Dear Sir
I have got the Photographs of the Dracæna Draco <1> & the Assafœtida plant ready for you. May I venture to send them for the purpose of having them engraved by your process. <2> You kindly said that you would prepare the plates for our Botanical Society proceedings. I am anxious to have them as soon as possible – Please let me know where to send them.
I am Yours respectfully
J. H. Balfour
1. The Dragon Tree [see Doc. No: 07915, Doc. No: 07960].
2. Photoglyphic Engraving. This was published as "Young Dragon trees, near Orotava, Teneriffe" " in the Transactions of the Botanical Society (Edinburgh), March 1859, pl. 6. WHFT later published a "Photoglyphic Engraving of a Fern" in the same journal, v. 7, June 1863, pl. 14, p. 559.