Engraving, Lithographic & General Printing Office
26 Waterloo Place,
March 10 9th 1860
Absence from home has prevented my replying to your obliging favor of the 3d inst with enclosures, & for which I have to thank you. If you could send me one of the plates by post, to test the making of 100 Copies, as this style of printing is quite new, & will require much more time & experience than ordinary engraving does, then, I shall be able definately [sic] to define a price per 1000. I should like very much indeed to do them, and would use every endeavour to please, by putting them into the hands of experienced workmen, and using the very best of materials, so as to give them every justice.
The most suitable paper for this style of work, will be Dickinsons finest plate paper they are first class makers in London, & all engravers or printers of fine work, prefer them to all others. I am in weekly practice of testing this in the printing of line Engravings.
I am Sir Yours most respectfully
William Banks.