31 Sackville St London,
2d September 1837.
Upon opening the testimony directions of the late Rear Admiral Charles Feilding it appears that he expresses a wish to be buried in a coffin of old English oak, taken from one of Her Majesty's ships- I have therefore to request the Lords of the Admiralty to be so kind as to grant their permission to his family, to receive from one her Majesty's dockyards a sufficient quantity of old English oak for that purpose. And should their Lordships be please to assent to this request, I shall direct Mr Mower upholsterer, of 208 Oxford St to make application for the same- Trusting that their Lordships will be pleased to comply with this last request,
I remain Sir Your obedient & humble servant
Henry Fox Talbot
Sir John Barrow
at the Admiralty
[note added in another hand:]
I left directions to Sir John Barrow accordingly [illegible]
Agst Mr Talbot
NB 2nd September