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Document number: 4113
Date: 18 Jul 1840
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: BENTHAM George
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Kentchurch Court

July 18 1840

My dear Sir

Your letter <1> has been forwarded to me here as I have now left town for the summer I have much to thank you for the trouble you take in sending me Sims’ <2> herbarium which is always valuable, independently of the rarity of any species, on account of its containing the originals of many plants figured in the Botanical Magazine. I should therefore, if you still persevere in your kind offers, be much obliged by your sending the remainder as well as the portion you have sent – & trust you will kindly charge on all expences with the carriage which will be paid by our servant.

The Taurus plant called Centaurea pullata is certainly not it – The true Centaurea pullata is a low plant with black spots on the scales of the involucre

The plant you enclose appears to me to be Eutoca divaricata.

Yours very sincerely

George Bentham


1. See Doc. No: 04112.

2. Probably John Sims <sic> (1749–1831) who edited Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1801–1826).

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