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Document number: 4739
Date: 05 Jun 1875
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: BENTHAM George
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

25, Wilton Place.

June 5 1875

My dear Sir

In reply to your letter I would suggest that the little bulbs on the capsule of Hessia spiralis you speak of may possibly have been the bulbiform seeds of that plant specially described by Salisbury <1> in the Paradisus Londinensis under Carpolyza spiralis (the name he gives to the plant) p. t. 63 these bulbiform seeds in this and some other Amaryllida seem to have been a subject of controversy between him and Brown <2> as to their structure and as to whether bulbiform and normal seeds can or not exist in the same species – all which is entered into in much detail in Salisbury’s “The Genera of Plants a fragment” published by J. E Gray in 1866 – p. 120 and 121.

I shall be very glad to do my best to answer any similar questions you may have to put

Yours very truly

George Bentham

H. Fox Talbot Esq


1. Richard Anthony Salisbury (1761–1829), The paradisus londinensis: containing plants cultivated in the vicinity of the metropolis (London).

2. Robert Brown (1773–1858), botanist.

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