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Document number: 10030
Date: 7 Oct 1839
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: BONNEY Thomas Kaye
Collection: Bodleian Library, Oxford - Fox Talbot Personal Archive
Collection number: FT10070
Last updated: 24th April 2015

Normanton nr. Stamford
Octr. 7. 1839

My dear Sir

Accept my best thanks for your Present of "Hermes" No. 2., which I received last week. <1> I am delighted with your Derivation of "Oivoğ", and your Account of the Pithos. It is inded a most interesting number, and I hope you will persevere in the Work.-

I was in London the week before last for a Day or two, but concluded that you were not in Town. If I should go there again in the Spring, I hope to have the Pleasure of meeting you. I understand you have two Daughters, whom with Mrs. Talbot I hope are in good health.-

My Sister <2> is going to-day to Oakham, to assist Lady Louisa Finch <3> in arranging stalls for a Bazaar to be held there to-morrow and Wedy. for the Benefit of the Hibernian Schools. <4>

Yrs. ever faithfully,
T.K. Bonney

I was one day at the Polytechnicon, and heard a Lecture upon Photogenic Drawing, in which of course your name as the Inventor was frequently mentioned. <5>

[Address panel:]

Stamford October eighth 1839
H F Talbot Esqre
Laycock Abbey

G. Heathcote


1. Hermes: or Classical and Antiquarian Researches, No. 2. (London: Longman, Orme, Green, Brown & Longman, 1839).

2. Henrietta Bonney (1784-1863).

3. Lady Louisa Somerset, wife of George Finch.

4. Irish.

5. This was a lecture and demonstration by the popular lecturer, John Thomas Cooper, Jnr. (1790-1854) at the Polytechnic Institution, 309 Regent Street. Talbot purchased Daguerreotypes from him and later even bought photogenic drawings; see Doc. No: 03971.

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