Dear Mr Talbot,
I am delighted to learn that you are to be in Edinburgh <1> for some time.
It will give me great pleasure to become acquainted with your Son. <2>
I regretted to find that Mrs Gilchrist Clark <3> had left Edinr when I call upon her.
I would have answered your Note sooner, but I expected to have done it personally, on the 24th, when I intended to be in Edinr – I had indeed got to Galashiels <4> 4 miles from this, but was driven back by the intensity of the cold.
I have not seen the Phosphoroscope <5> of Becquerel but if it requires Sun to exhibit it, I am afraid we must adjourn to some other planet.
I am, Dear Mr Talbot, Ever Most Truly yrs
D Brewster
Allerly Melrose
Decr 27th 1860
Henry Fox Talbot Esq
11 Moray Place
1. At 11 Moray Place. See Doc. No: 08269.
2. Charles Henry Talbot (1842–1916), antiquary & WHFT’s only son.
3. Matilda Caroline Gilchrist-Clark, ‘Tilly’, née Talbot (1839–1927), WHFT’s 3rd daughter.
4. A town about four miles northwest of Melrose on the Edinburgh road, in the former county of Selkirkshire.
5. A device invented by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel (1820–1891) for the measurement of phosphorescence.