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Document number: 7633
Date: 14 May 1858
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: BROOKER Thomas
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: Acc no 20950 (envelope only)
Last updated: 7th February 2015

Copper & Steel Plate Printing Office.
78, Margaret St. Cavendish Sqre W.

14 May 1858


By railway this evening I have sent you plates and 2 proofs of each. Allow me to say I think they are a great advance upon all former ones pressed by me

I have named your process to Mess Colnaghi they promised to bring it before Sir A Vernon and try it But I presume upon the principle of great bodies moving slow nothing has been done with at present Thanking you on their behalf for the Kind offer

I am Yr Obt Sert
T Brooker

Fox Talbot

[added in WHFT's hand:] Brooker
H. Fox Talbot Esq
Lacock Abbey

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