Wytham Rectory
nr Oxford
July 6th 1868
My dear Sir
Some months ago you were kind enough to send me the first part of your Assyrian glossary <1> which has been of the greatest use to me; as doubtless by this time you have completed further portions of it. is it taking too great a liberty to ask you wether to send me a copy or to let me know how I can procure one. I have been laid up for the last 4 months with an ulcerated leg, and have just made an unsuccessful attempt to return to work.
Believe me
Yours very truly
W H Coxe
H. F. Talbot EsqreNotes:
1. Part 1 of Talbot’s Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language was published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, n.s. v.3, 1868, pp. 1–64 and Part II was published in n.s. v.4, 1870, pp. 1–80