Brit: Mus:
Dec: 10th 1862
My dear Sir
Some short time ago I bought the cast of an Assyrian Cylinder of early workmanship – it contains a one-horned, four winged deity holding in each hand the fore leg of a bull – and has this inscription

My reason for thinking if of early Assyrian workmanship is not the form of the characters, but the way in which the figures are cut. If it is not trespassing too much upon your kindness I should much like to have your reading of it – and also to know if you have ever seen the original – Sir H. Rawlinson has returned and was here on Monday so I suppose the new volume of inscriptions may soon be published.
Believe me Yours very truly
W H Coxe –
H. F. Talbot Esqre
[annotated in WHFT's hand:] Mr Coxe - B. Museum
H. F. Talbot Esqre
Lacock Abbey
nr. Chippenham
11 Great
Stuart St