Dear Henry
I do not know whether this can reach you.
If it does I have only to say that we look forward with great pleasure to seeing you tomorrow.
You had better drive to the Admiral’s Hard Stonehouse were <sic> you will find plenty of boats to convey you over.
Your carriage had better be taken to the coach office house of the Manor Office Stonehouse which the post boy can easily find and where directions shall be given to receive it.
Should Constance <1> not feel equal to walking up the hill to the House let her go and dawdle for a few minutes in the gardens – send up to the house and a vehicle shall immediately be sent for her –
Yours very sincerely
Henry F. Talbot Esqr
Post Office
Ivy Bridge
1. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811–1880), WHFT’s wife.