My dear Henry
Uncle Harry & John <1> dine here to go to the Play with me ensuite- <2> It is rather late, but if this note finds you at home, will you come & dine too? at ½ past five? – or at any rate join us there afterwards The Tempest & Chaos Lady Holland’s <3> Box at Covent Garden <4> – Private Box door Princes Place
Yrs affly
Will you dine with us tomorrow, to meet Uncle Harry & John – perhaps Wm & Ste? <9>
Henry Fox Talbot Esqre
Sackville St
1. Henry Stephen Fox Strangways, 3rd Earl of Ilchester (1787–1858), and John George Charles Fox Strangways (1803–1859), MP.
2. Afterwards.
3. Elizabeth Fox, née Vassall, Lady Holland (d. 1845).
4. London.
5. Henrietta Horatia Maria Gaisford, née Feilding (1810–1851), WHFT’s half-sister and Louisa Emma Petty Fitzmaurice, née Fox Strangways, Marchioness of Lansdowne (1785-1851), wife of Henry Petty Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne; Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria, 1837-1838; WHFT's aunt.
6. Lady Elisabeth Theresa Feilding, née Fox Strangways, first m Talbot (1773–1846), WHFT’s mother.
7. Stay.
8. Bowood House, nr Calne, Wiltshire, 5 mi NE of Lacock: seat of the Marquess of Lansdowne.
9. William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways, 4th Earl of Ilchester (1795–1865), botanist, art collector & diplomat and Stephen Fox Strangway, Lord Stavordale (1817–25 May 1848), 2nd son of Henry Stephen Fox Strangways, 3rd Earl of Ilchester (1787–3 Jan 1858).