Lacok [sic] Abbey
My dear Henry
The Cammilla [sic] sails or steams rather early on Monday the 9th therefore we must be at Southton Sunday the 8th. Pray bring Uncle Wm <1> with you next Saturday I should like him to see Lacok in beauty. Mama <2> forgot to tell you the olive trees came the day before yesterday, FitzSimmons <3> planted them Immediately, but they looked so dried up and miserable they have little chance of living. There were also some tuberose roots, which to vulgar eyes appeared the same as ours only not so fine.
I hope the rosebuds arrived safe this morning & pleased Constance. <4> The green peas are remarkably early as I hope you observed for the honor of Fitzsimmons - & I believe we shall actually have some strawberries before you go. Only think of my having a bed of that pretty new Petunia coming into flower all raised from that one bit Mr Selwyn <5> gave me at Kilmington. - Mama has not yet recovered the Influenza nor I either - I have rheumatic pains in all my joints - Thank Constance for her letter & give her my love - Adieu
Yr affte sister
Horatia -
1. William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways, 4th Earl of Ilchester (1795-1865), botanist, art collector & diplomat.
2. Lady Elisabeth Theresa Feilding, née Fox Strangways, first m Talbot (1773-1846), WHFT's mother.
3. Cornelius Fitzsimmons, Scottish gardener at Lacock Abbey.
4. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811-1880), WHFT's wife.
5. Rev Townshend Selwyn (1783-1853), botanist, Vicar of Kilmington, Somerset, and Canon of Gloucester.