[written on the same sheet as a letter from Lady Elisabeth - see Doc. No: 02857]
My dear Henry –
I do not write oftener because there is so little to say but you promised to tell me some news & you never have. I hope yr Committee will not detain you long, as I suppose it is only a matter of form. Constance <1> is gone with Papa <2> to Bath today – she was anxious to see it. I am sorry we cannot have the Mundys <3> here, for I know it would have pleased her so much & I shd have liked to get better acquainted with them. What a sad thing is Ly Duncannon’s <4> sudden illness just after the marriage & poor Kerry & his bride <5> obliged to set off post haste this morng to go to her!
Today is a nasty black east wind & I am afraid it will freeze again I knew it wd come at last.
Yr affte Sister
W. Henry Fox Talbot Esqre M.P.
31 Sackville Street
1. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811–1880), WHFT’s wife.
2. Rear Admiral Charles Feilding (1780–1837), Royal Navy; WHFT’s step-father.
3. William Mundy (1801-1877), politician, WHFT's brother-in-law; and his wife, Harriot Georgiana Mundy, née Frampton (1806-1886), WHFT’s cousin & sister-in-law.
4. Maria Ponsonby, née Fane (d. 1834), wife of John William Ponsonby, 4th Earl of Bessborough and Viscount Duncannon.
5. William Thomas Fitzmaurice, Earl of Kerry (1811–1836), MP and his bride Augusta Lavinia Priscilla Fitzmaurice, née Ponsonby, Lady Kerry (1814–1904).