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Result number 2 of 10:   < Back     Back to results list   Next >  

Document number: 120
Date: 1860
Dating: or 1861, based on F & S partnership name and address
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: FERRIER Claude Marie
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: acc 35216
Last updated: 3rd November 2014

Boulevart de Sébastopol, 99


Nous venons de recevoir les 13 epreuves des gravures que vous avez eu la bonté de nous envoyer, chacun de vos envois accuse un progres marqué sur le précédent, et dans celui ci nous trouvons des parties (notamment dans la vue de la façade du chateau d’Heidelberg) <2> qui sont d’une perfection admirable; ce qui nous fait penser que lorsque vous aurez du tems a consacrer a vos essais et une lumiere propice vous obtiendrez des epreuves parfaites d’un bout a l’autre; nous souhaitons que vous atteigniez bientot ce resultat; qui est aussi vivement desiré par tout le monde artiste, et qui réalisera leur ardent désir de pouvoir appliquer la photographie a l’illustration de la librairie, independamment des milliers d’autres applications auquelles votre découverte est appellée; nous vous rappellons Monsieur que nous serons toujours heureux d’avoir l’occasion de vous être agréable dans tout ce qui pourra vous etre utile dans vos travaux

recevez aussi l’assurance de la haute considération de votre serviteur


Boulevart de Sébastopol, 99

Dear Sir,

We have just received the 13 gravure proofs which you were kind enough to send us. Each one of your parcels shows a marked improvement on the previous one, and this parcel contains parts (notably in the view of the façade of Heidelberg castle) which are of an admirable perfection. This makes us think that when you have time to devote to your tests and favourable light, you will obtain proofs which are perfect throughout. We hope that you will soon achieve this result, which is also keenly desired by the entire art world, and which will fulfill their fervent desire to be able to apply photography to the illustration of the book industry, irrespective of the thousands of other applications for which your discovery is destined. We remind you, Sir, that we will always be happy to have the opportunity of being of use to you in your work.

Please accept the assurance of my sincere regards. Your servant,


1. A large proportion of WHFT’s photoglyphic engravings were produced from photographs issued by the firm of Soulier & Clouzard, and later Ferrier & Soulier. See Larry J Schaaf, Sun Pictures Catalogue Twelve: Talbot and Photogravure (New York: Hans P Kraus, Jr, 2003), pp. 40–41 and 48–49.

2. The only identified example of a WHFT photoglyphic engraving of Heidelberg is his experiment 565 of 18 December 1860. A titled and dated print is in the Smithsonian Graphic Arts Collection, 100963/16085.

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