Lacock abbey
June 20th /31
Banks <1> says the chimney piece in the new room is up, and the Stairs going up to the library door up also – and is now getting on with the window over the Cloister South door. <2>
Pullen <3> having no more horses of Captn Feildings <4> to look after – he is now charged fully to your acct – he now begins to cart away the Coarse Rubbish – putting it down in the back yard for filling up; the hay is not off the park yet so we cannot begin putting on the good manure yet. & [sic]
Your Obdt Huble Servt
C. Fitzsimmons
H. F. Talbot Esqr
1. Probably George Banks, snr (1786–1864), stonemason & coalseller, Lacock.
2. WHFT made major alterations to Lacock Abbey between 1828 and 1831.
3. William Pullen, Lacock Abbey coachman.
4. Rear Admiral Charles Feilding (1780–1837), Royal Navy; WHFT’s step-father.