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Document number: 2615
Date: 28 Feb 1833
Postmark: 1 Mar 1833
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: FITZSIMMONS Cornelius
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA33(MW)-041
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Lacock Abbey

Feby 28th


I Send enclosed the Scilla of Zante <1> as you ordered – I hope it may not get crushed on its way &c &c –

the weather continues so wet that it prevents me from completing several jobs, – this day we have had only about three hours fine weather the river still keeps so high that I cannot get at the young trees to do anything to them, and I fear it will be much higher tomorrow,

I have taken up a good quantity of gravel for My Lady in the park as much as gravelled from the cascade to the Alcove I have had so much carting to & from the park that I was obliged to employ Knott <2>, for one day to assist me with two horses and a cart I paid him 6s/0 which I consider very moderate, I have been carting & spreading the Mud in the stew ground to day but could not do much at it I then carted the dung from the stables as I had more shelter there than in the stew ground &c &c

Your obdt Huble Servt

C Fitzsimmons

H. F. Talbot, Esqr M. P
31 Sackville Street


1. A plant of the Hyacinth family.

2. Richard Knott, of Lacock.

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