My dear Henry
How very slow Macmillan <1> is! It is not fair, as if he does not want it himself, he should return it, & give me the power of trying elsewhere. It is certainly inexcusable to detain it as he is doing; & of course he quite well knows he must pay, Whatever he takes, & he might as well say what. It is long to wait for certainty, money, and fame! all wanted much. Would it be possible for you to write again? It is well I entrusted it to you, or I should never had it back at all, or accepted, but he will stand in awe of you. Would you like me to write? but having gone through you, I do not like to interfere – only he shall not keep it entirely until I know his pay. I daresay you are tired of waiting for the tiresome man’s reply & as for me I am quite weary, & write this to relieve my feelings.
Your affte
Louisa Chtte Frampton
Lulworth Villa
Torquay –
July 26th
Henry Fox Talbot Esqre
Lacock Abbey
1. From 1868-1883, George Grove was the editor of MacMillan's Magazine, a monthly published in London and Cambridge. See Doc. No: 02866.