9 March / 46
Ye follg is offered. It is of same proviso but more concisely expressd And whereas ye sd – & did
in ye
offer to sell to ye
that is to by a certain letter of wch ye follg is a copy
{Copy of ye letter here insertd}
But ye – have neither acceptd nor
And ye sd – &c have since that time entirely wthdrwn
by 2 letters of wch ye follg are copies
And whereas ye sd – & –
have made no other offer to y Cy concerning ye sd matter
and have not done nor will do any other act or thing whatever tndg to engage them toward ye sd Cmpy in ye sd matter
It is agreed
And it is further agreed by & between that if (within ye next 3 years) any part of ye sd close shall be taken and purchasd by the sd R Compy, and on reexamination of ye title, the title of ye sd SF & J shall before to have been defective
& the pri by reason sd defect in ye title the price payable by the sd Compy to ye sd Talbot for ye sd land shall not be paid to ye sd Talbot his Leins & asizes, but shall be directed by or a court of law to be paid to some other person or persons or to be paid into Court
(here some equtable provisions to be inserted, to replace Mr Talbot in ye positn he was in before this negotiotn
[expanded version:]
9 March / 1846
The following is offered. It is of same proviso but more concisely expressed. And whereas the said Stephen and Isaac Fussell did offer to sell to the
that is to by a certain letter of which the following is a copy
{Copy of the letter here inserted}
But the Company have neither accepted nor
And the said Stephen and Isaac Fussell have since that time entirely withdrawn
by two letters of which the following are copies
And whereas the said Stephen and Isaac Fussell have made no other offer to the Company concerning the said matter
and have not done nor will do any other act or thing whatsoever tending to engage them toward the said Company in the said matter
It is agreed
And it is further agreed by & between that if (within the next three years) any part of the said close shall be taken and purchased by the said Railway Company, and on re-examination of the title, the title of the said Stephen and Isaac Fussell shall be found to have been defective
and the pri by reason said defect in the title the price payable by the said Company to the said William Henry Fox Talbot for the said land shall not be paid to the said William Henry Fox Talbot his Heirs and assignees, but shall be directed by or a court of law to be paid to some other person or persons or to be paid into Court
(here some equitable provisions to be inserted, to replace Mr Talbot in the position he was in before this negotiation)