Mr W. Snow Harris begs to return Mr & Mrs Talbot <1> his best acknowledgments for their kind invitation: and will have much pleasure in spending a few days with them during the week previous to the Meeting of the British Association at Bristol in August next <2>
Mr Harris hopes therefore to have the pleasure of being at Lacock Abbey on the 16h or 17h of August.
July 25th 1836
32 Union Street
1. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811-1880), WHFT's wife.
2. WHFT invited a number of savants to stay at Lacock Abbey before the 1836 meeting of British Association for the Advancement of Science. In addition to William Snow Harris, Sir David Brewster (1781-1868), Scottish scientist & journalist, Prof Charles Babbage (1792-1871), mathematician & inventor, Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), scientist, Dr Peter Mark Roget (1779-1869), scientific writer, and Rev William Whewell (1794-1866), Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor and natural philosopher assembled at Lacock Abbey 16-17 August, leaving at various times for the meeting, which began 22 August.