31 Sackville St <1>
Dear Sir
I have sent to Mr Hunneman <2> a parcel of plants collected by myself in the year 1826 in the Ionian Islands, containing about 80 species, several of them in duplicate – I intend when I have the leisure to draw up an account of the plants I observed in that country, for your Botanical Journal. <3> In the meanwhile I have marked 14 species (numbered 1 to 14) which I am in doubt about and therefore I will be much obliged to you to tell me what you think they are. –
I raised a species of Arenaria from Drummond’s Texas Specimens, <4> & it is now gone to seed.
I have also got a species of Arenaria from Sicily in my garden, that has rose coloured flowers, and no stipulæ, which are present in the Texas plant above mentioned. Can you tell me whether the Sicilian plant is a new species, or if it is described what is its name?
The Horticultural <5> Garden shows have been very good this year – I remarked among the plants yesterday a Gnaphalium from Swan River, that has the leaves of Bupleurum perfoliatum & is therefore in my opinion the type of a new genus.
Believe me Yours vy truly
H. F. Talbot
1. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.
2. James Hunneman, London nurseryman.
3. William Jackson Hooker, The Journal of Botany (London: Edinburgh: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman; A. & C. Black, 1834–1842).
4. Thomas Drummond (1793-1835), Scottish botanical collector; died in Cuba in early March 1835. See Doc. No: 02404.
5. Horticultural Society of London.