March 12. 1834
My dear Sir
I hope that when you send me the description of Hyacinthus dubius you will be kind enough also to send me 2 or 3 flowers (they will travel quite well in a letter). Dissections are absolutely necessary. You will see in Roemer & Schultes <1> that much of the character of the species depends upon the form of the filaments & even on the color of the Anthers. It is one of the many Sicilian plants with which I am unacquainted. I cannot however help being struck with the similarity of the figure you are so good as to send, with to the Muscari moschatum as figured in Bot. Mag. <2> t. 734. Whereas according to Roem & Sch. (v. 7. p. 586) H. dubius has the greatest affinity with H. romana (Scilla, Bot. Mag. t. 939) which is totally different in its corolla. Again in Roem. & Sch. at v. 7. p. 1709, it appears that Reichenbach makes a Bellevallia of Hyacinthus dubius, which he characterizes by a Peranthium ad medium 6 partitum, which does not appear to be the case with your plant, which looks like a true Muscari.
Most faithfully Yours
W. J. Hooker.
H. F. Talbot Esq. M.P.
31. Sackville street
1. Johann Jakob Roemer and Joseph August Schultes edited and expanded Linnĉuss Systema vegetabilium between 1817 and 1830.
2. Curtis's Botanical Magazine (London: S. Curtis, and Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper).