March 16.
My dear Sir
On friday I sent to the Steam-boat office <1> a Canvass parcel with your N. American & Texas Plants. <2> I have put some names to some of the most interesting of the latter & a few Generic names to those of Jacksonville & N. Orleans, to enable you with the less trouble to refer them to their places in your Herbarium. As I have plants also to send to Professor Henslow <3> at Cambridge & to Mr Christy <4> I have enclosed them with yours & accompanied them by two notes which I have left unsealed that you may be kind enough to add a third of the cost of freight & postage to each, & commit them to the Post Office. Mr Christy will send to your House for his parcel. But I will beg of you to send that for Henslow to the Coach. There is a little packet of letters for my Russian correspondents addressed to my friend Smirnov. Be so good as to let it be committed to the Post.
Most faithfully Yours
W. J. Hooker.
H. F. Talbot Esqre M.P.
31. Sackville street
1. See Doc. No: 02674.
2. See Doc. No: 02816.
3. Prof John Stevens Henslow (1796–1861), botanist.
4. W Christy, seed collector in Funchal.