Lacock Abbey,
Decr 15th 1835
My Dear Sir
I am much obliged to you for the Specimens of Hymenophyllum &c. <1> I enclose Martius’s <2> printed notice respecting Brazilian plants (which have the goodness to return to me) You will see that the first two Centuries of plants are to be distributed to the Subscribers in the autumn of this year, consequently I suppose they are now to be had. The price of the very finest specimens is not to exceed about 1,,14,,0 per 100 –
The first collection is from the province of Rio Janeiro and Subscribers are directed to send their names to the directors of the Wirtemberg Unio Itineraria <3> at Esslingen, or else to the publishers of the Botanical Journal at Ratisbon –
I do not think No 7. <4> is Xanthium spinosum because I have raised the latter from seed in my greenhouse unluckily I did not think of preserving any of the young plants for my herbarium by way of comparison –
I am correct with respect to V. Syriaca, which is a species new to Europe.
Veronica Syriaca, Roemer & Schultes. <5> Vol. 1. p: 116. V. pedunculata [La The veronica Buxbaumii (or filiformis) is extremely common in the South of Europe & is a very distinct species, approaching in character to our V. agrestis (indeed too nearly) but with flowers 3 times larger. I believe I told you that I raised the rare Hyacinthus spicatus <6> from seeds picked out of my Ionian Herbarium & it flowered well last year. I was only 5 weeks in that country, & my attention much distracted by a multiplicity of objects, which prevented me doing more than herborise occasionally – Had I staid there all the Spring & summer I think I should have been able to collect a good deal that was new. Believe me to remain Yours most truly 1. See Doc. No: 03179, to which this is the reply. 2. Dr Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868), German botanist. For his selling Brazilian plants, see Doc. No: 03177. 3. See Doc. No: 03036. 4. See Doc. No: 03179. 5. Johann Jakob Roemer and Joseph August Schultes edited and expanded Linnæus’s Systema vegetabilium between 1817 and 1830. 6. See Doc. No: 02626.
H. F. Talbot