Dec. 20. 1835
Many thanks, my dear Sir, for the sight of Martius <1> prospectus. I am very anxious to be a Subscriber for a full & complete set. If you have any communication with Martius himself, I should like my name should be sent to him. If not then I will enclose a note to Mr Hunneman <2> to ask him to order me a set: – & you will perhaps add a line to it, to inform Hunneman to whom he had better give the Order.
You certainly did well among the Ionian islands in the short time you were there. I am much pleased with Veronica Syriaca. It is quite new to my Herbarium. I am glad to find that Webb & Bertholet are about to publish a Nat. History of the Canary islands <3>. It will I doubt not be highly interesting.
Very faithfully Yours,
W. J. Hooker
H. F. Talbot Esqre
Lacock Abbey.
1. Dr Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868), German botanist.
2. James Hunneman, London nurseryman.
3. Philip Barker Webb (1793–1854) and Sabin Berthelot, Histoire Naturelle des îles Canaries (Paris: Béthune, 1836–1850). [See Doc. No: 00418].