Apr. 26th <1>
My dear Sir
By my letter from home I learn that you wish, before finally arranging with the Gardener <2>, to have your letter returned which contained your statement of Salary &c: that there may be no mistake on that score. This is very proper; but unfortunately this cannot be done till my return to Glasgow, which will not be done till the very end of this or beginning of next week: & then I will apply to Murray <3> for it, to whom I sent it soon after its arrival. In the mean while Mrs Hooker has desired Murray to inform Reid of your wishes that he may not engage himself elsewhere. You shall hear from me again very soon after I reach home.
I am sorry I did not meet with you when I called in Sackville St <4>. It was the only time when I could call. I should very much have liked to have been made personally known to Mr Strangways. <5>
Believe me, very faithfully Yours
W. J. Hooker.
H. F. Talbot Esqre
31. Sackville street
1. This is a reply to Doc. No: 03250.
2. See Doc. No: 03223.
3. Stewart M Murray (1789-1858), first Curator of the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. [See Doc. No: 00262].
4. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.
5. William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways, 4th Earl of Ilchester (1795–1865), botanist, art collector & diplomat.