Lacock Abbey, Chippenham
Dear Sir
In consequence of your letter I called at Kew Garden the other day, to ask you to show me the 1st vol. of the Botany of the Antarctic voyage, edited by your Son, <1> in order that I might be able to say, of my own knowledge, that it was a work highly creditable to Dr Hooker as a botanist – but unfortunately I did not see you, nor have I had any opportunity of seeing the work elsewhere. Altho’ most desirous of adding my name to the other testimonials <2> in your son’s favour, yet I fear I could not say anything to the purpose, merely from a want of personal knowledge – I could only applaud his zeal in pursuing botanical Researches in such distant unexplored regions; if a letter to that effect would be of any service I should be most happy to write it.
Believe me Yours very truly
H. F. Talbot
5 Sept/45
Sir W. J. Hooker
1. Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911), The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839–1843 under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross … . (London: Reeve Bros, 1844–1860).
2. See Doc. No: 05361.