Sir. W. Hooker
Lacock Abbey, Chippenham
March 12 /52
Dr Sir
I have a fine Specimen of your Olearia pannosa about 7 or 8 feet high in flower in my conservatory. Shall I send you a branch of it in a box? –
It differs from your description in not having “radii corollis latis purpureis”, <1> but angustis albis. <2> It is certainly a tree, and probably grows 20 feet high.
The description of Echites splendens in the Botl Magaz. <3> does not notice its remarkable fruit which has been produced in my garden – It consists of 2 capsules, or follicles, united at the top, so as to form a circular hoop – Almost enough for a generic distinction. Shall I Send you a Specimen.
I was glad to see one of the Sikkim Rhododendrons <4> in flower the other day R. ciliatum. I don’t know whether this is the first of them that has bloomed.
Yours very truly
H. F. Talbot
1. rays with broad purple corollas
2. narrow white (ones)
3. William Jackson Hooker and Samuel Curtis, Curtis’s Botanical Magazine…, a new edition (London: S. Curtis, and Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1833).
4. Viz. one of the species discovered in Sikkim 1848/9 by Hooker’s son Dr Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) that he brought back to Britain and illustrated in The rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya… (London: Reeve, Benham and Reeve, 1849).