Museum Practl Geology
Jermyn St
St James’s
23 March 1851 <1>
My dear Sir,
I have submitted your letter to some of the more influential movers in the Photographic Club matter <2> – I have not yet their reply – On Thursday there is to be a meeting if you have any proposition to make I shall be glad to be in possession of it on Thursday morning –
I am My dear sir Yours very truly
Robt Hunt
H F Talbot Esqr
1. O overwritten by 1.
2. The Photographic Club had been formed in 1847. In 1851 it was proposed to put the Club on to the more formal footing of a photographical society ‘for the disinterested advancement of the Photographic Science’. This raised the question of WHFT’s patent, many members feeling that his process should be given to the world. [See H. J. P. Arnold, William Henry Fox Talbot: Pioneer of photography and man of science (London: Hutchinson Benham, 1977), p. 188.]. Talbot’s relations with the Society never became really happy. It subsequently became the Royal Photographic Society.