August 23 – 1842
Dear Sir,
I enclose you two of the specimens of which I spoke. <1> I should have sent you two others, which I think better than these – but I have given them away to one of Mr R M Fox’s daughters – These Lithographs <2> are executed by a Mr Lewis – a copper-plate printer of Liverpool – He has promised to send me some taken by the Camera shortly – How long with average light do you require to get a good picture from the first taken? Can you spare me one of your best negative calotypes? <3>
I am Dear Sir Yours respectfully & truly
Robert Hunt
H Fox Talbot Esq
1. See Doc. No: 04571.
2. Apparently lithographic reproductions of photographs. a daguerreotype plate could be turned directly into a printing plate - Mr Lewis has yet to be identified.
3. Although WHFT's new calotype process could be used to make prints, it was more commonly employed for making negatives, where its complexity was offset by its much greater senstivity to light.