Edin 25 Hanover St
June 3 1847
I am in receipt of your note this morning and the Talbotypes the night before last, I shall return what do not keep by next Steamer which is on Saturday, The specimens however er are mostly those I have had before and I should feel obliged on receipt of the returns, to your making up a parcel of others and enclosing them with Winsor & Newton. You will perceive from the returns what I should like. In reference to coming to Scotland to take views of gentlemens mansions and now not acceeding to the proposition made by yourself in a letter dated two months back, which was to the effect that if I could obtain a sufficient number of gentlemen to have their Houses done at 5/ each & each party taking 12 Views the same to same to be guaranteed perfect[.] On the face of the letter I advertised; and have now received the amount of a hundred pounds of subscribers, and in addition to this I will take fifty pounds worth for my own sale to this amount add those Casual customers and I have no doubt I shall make it a profitable speculation for you, Your letter of this morning is rather a damper on the exertions I have been making on your behalf as I have led all my subscribers to believe that your assistant will come this summer, If you do not they will have sufficient reason for breaking of their Engagement I need not mention that my having started such a project that Messrs will induce Adamson & Hill to push it Somewhat further, I therefore trust you will endeavor to send Your assistant here and no exertion will be spared on my part to make the Journey a profitable one to all concerned
I remain respectfully Yours
J. Keith
H. F. Talbot Esq
Atheneaum [sic] Club
[sealed with printed label:]
James Keith
Printseller and Artists Colourman
25 South Hanover St.