Lacock Abbey,
Monday night
Mr Lawes
I will be much obliged to you to arrange the following affair for me.
I took an inside & outside place by the Regulator today & paid 2..18..0. When we got to Wooton Bassett it appeared there was no room in the coach, gentlemen had been booked at the Cross Keys, & having paid their money, they refused to give up their places. The coach was detained half an hour X <1> without coming to any agreement, & the superintendant at the station said he should not allow the coach to start, until the matter was settled.
Under these circumstances having a less distance to go than the others (who were booked for Bath) I called a chaise, drove to Calne & so home.
What became of the rest of the passengers I don’t know, but when I left XX them they were unloading the coach & putting all the luggage into another. Altogether there was a sad confusion. I wish therefore you would be so good as to make application to the proprietors on the subject. I don’t wish to give any trouble to the company, & shall be satisfied to receive back the money I paid them, viz. £ 1..4..0 –
I paid them 2..18..0 of which 1..14..0 was the railway fare; difference 1..4..0 –
I remain your sir
H.F. Talbot
N.B. The Company will be no losers XXX, because they have already received more fares than was their due, viz. either five or six inside fares, I am not sure which.
Please to send your account since the beginning of the year.
X not detained 20 minutes <2>
XX both started nearly at the same time
XXX the company were losers as the tardys did not go
Mr Lawes
Angel Inn
H. F. Talbot <3>
19th March 1841–
answered by letter to Mr Lawes Chippenham
1. This and ‘XX’, ‘XXX’ were written in another hand.
2. Written in another hand.
3. Remainder of text written in another hand.