25 Tavistock terrace Upper Holloway London N
18. Feb 1857
Until lately I was Electrotyper to the Photo=galvano=graphic Company at Holloway, but with the rest of the working staff received my discharge upon the Company receiving notice that you had instituted proceedings against them for infringement of your Patent right. I have been told you are in a condition to prove that the process they work is your property, and that a Court of Law will shortly confirm your claim thereby. It is therefore and under the following circumstances that I venture to address you.
A well-Known publishing house in London has applied to me respecting the illustration of a work they are about to issue, which illustrations they are desirous should be done by the Photo=galvano graphic process.
I have seen them the Principals once or twice, and they are now ready to receive proposals for the Execution of from 50 to 70 plates, to be worked from their own photographs.
I have not mentioned the subject to the Company, for I hardly know how I (under present circumstances) to act in the matter.
Nevertheless, I shall be happy to put you in possession of all particulars, if you wish it and will also be Kind Enough to send me a line to that effect.
I am, Sir Yours respectfully
F. E. Leefe
W. H. Fox Talbot Esqre
W. H. Fox Talbot Esq
Laycock Abbey