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Document number: 3425
Date: Thu 1837
Dating: nd; 1837?
Recipient: LUBBOCK John William
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: Royal Society, London
Collection number: LUB 38 T17
Last updated: 26th January 2013

65 Harley St <1>
Thursday Evg

Dear Sir

My reason for declining Mr Murphy’s paper<2> was that I intended laying before the society shortly a paper on the same subject,<3> & therefore I thought myself not in a position to comment upon Mr M’s researches.

Otherwise I should have been happy to lend the Council any assistance in my power –

Do Mr M’s investigations lead him to the same result as I arrive at, the reduction of the 6th degree to the 5th?

I hope you received a note<4> from me on the subject the other day; I forgot to ask you when I saw you today whether you approved of employing the assistance of practised calculators, to enable this question to be satisfactorily elucidated, which 1 or 2 well calculated examples would sufficiently accomplish –

Yours very Truly,
H. F. Talbot


1. Harley Street, London.

2. Probably Robert Murphy (1806–1843), a mathematician who submitted several papers to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.

3. WHFT, ‘Researches in the Integral Calculus’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, v. 127, part I (1837), pp. 1–18.

4. See Doc. No: 03421.

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