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Document number: 9115
Date: 03 Aug 1866
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: MENTEATH Charles Granville Stuart
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: Acc no 21961 (envelope only)
Last updated: 10th October 2014

3 Aug. 1866.
Entry hill House Nr Bath

Dear Mr Talbot

I have to apologise for having so long delayed to send you a list of the Nos of the Journal of Sacred Literature which you have kindly lent me, & they are

No. XII. Jany 1858.

– XXIV – 1861.

– XXVI. July –.

– XXIII. Jany 1862.

New Series

No. VIII. Jany 1864.

– XI. Oct. –

I will return them in the course of next month.

At some future time I should much like to look at your Lobecks Aglaophamus, of which I have a very good Critique by Earnest Renan in his “Eudes d’Histoire Religieuse”, 1857. He there reviews Guigniauts translation into French, in 10 vols 8o (1825 – 1851) of “Creuzer’s Symbolish Mythologie der alten Völker &c in 3. vols“. He contrasts Lobeck with Creuzer, in the following words, “A L’excés du Symbolisme (L’erreur principal de M. Creuzer) s’opposa une École toute negative & Anti-Symbolique, representée par Voss, G. Hermann & Lobeck; &c. Le Symbolique trouve dans M. Lobeck un adversaire &c. Son “Aglaophamus” (1829) est la negation la plus complete du Systeme de M. Creuzer. Esprit positif, analytique, uconvaincu que l’horreur du Mysticisme est le commencement de la sagesse, M. Lobeck semble prendre plaisir a la trouver insignifiante &c. Aucun Mythologue ne l’a egalé pour la Critique des textes Originaux, &c. La conclusion de son livre (de Lobeck) est qu’on ne sait rien sur les Religions Antiques, & qu’il n’y a pas meme lieu a conjecturer. Ses attaques, d’ailleurs, ne s’arretent pas aux Religions & l’Antiquité. Ce n’est pas Seulement envers Eleutis & Samothrace que M. Lobeck &c Montre irreverencieux & railleur, &c. Catholicisme lui est Antipathique, &c La Religion & la Philosophie, n’ont, selon lui, rien a faire ensemble” (p.33 – p.36)

Having been fortunate enough to find among my papers, noted of three works on deciphering the Manuscripts, Charters & other Records of the Middle age, which your son expressed a wish to have the latter of, I here write them out for him.

(1). Dictionaire des Abreviations Latines & Françaises usitées dans les Inscriptions Lapidaires Metalliques les Manuscrits des Chartes du Moyen Age. Par L. Alphonse Chassant, Paléographe. 2de ed. revue, corrigée & Augmentee. Paris 1862. sm. 8o pp. XI, IV & 170.

(2). Plaèographie des Chartes & des Manuscrits du XIe au XVIIe siecle. Par Alph. Chassant, ancien correspondent du Ministère de l’Instruction publique pour les trovans historiques. 5me ed. augmentee d’une sur les Sceaux & leurs legendes & de regles de Critique propées a determinar L’Age des Chartes & des Manuscrits non dates. 10. planches in 4o sm.8o pp. IV. & 160.

(3). Court Hand restored: or the Students Assistant in reading old Deeds, Charters, Records &c. Engraved on 23. Copperplates. Describing the old law hands, with their contractions & Abbreviations. with an appendix; containing the Ancient names of places in Great Britn & Ireland; an Alphabetical table of Ancient surnames; & a Glossary of Latin words found in the works of the most eminent lawyers, & others ancient writings, but not in any modern Dictionaries. By Andrew Wright. 7th edn London, Clarke 1834. 8o

Having had some difficulty in getting the Guardian containing the Dean of Westminster’s Speech on Colenso in Convocation, I have not been able to send it sooner, but I will dispatch it by this days post.

Mrs Menteath hopes to have the pleasure of seeing Mrs Talbot & party on Monday, & with our kind regards to yourself & family

I am dear Sir Yours very truly
C. G. Stuart Menteath

H.F. Talbot Esqre.
Lacock Abbey
[added up left recto by WHFT:]
Mr Menteath

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